Friday, October 2, 2009


Ben has been in a great mood today. We were in the playroom before our first volunteer Eamonn arrived!

We have noticed that Ben has started to have times in the playroom where he is neither isming nor really doing anything. It's almost as if he's waiting for us to do something, just kind of wandering around. Both Eamonn and I have been suprised by these times and wasted them not knowing what to do. So we have decided that these times are great 'introducing our theme times' hard work ahead making up some more fun games to play.

Lately we have been designing most of our themes around coughing, hiccuping, sneezing etc. so I think a change might be good. Was thinking of maybe having a button on my front that makes me fall over and one on my back that makes me stand up - he loves slap stick. Just an idea but will give it a try tomorrow morning.

The park was a little empty today because of the weather so not many potential play mates, it's much more fun in the park now that Ben doesn't hit other kids any more. He still occasionally has a moody day where he pushes kids who are in his way but fingers crossed they are getting less and less. Ben enjoyed himself anyway though-----

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