Sunday, October 4, 2009

Park or No Park?

Today has been an interesting day :) Ben woke up in a great mood and we played in the playroom for a couple of hours in the morning. I had a rethink about the falling down game and decided that if he had to press a button on me, that would be like pushing me and that's something I've been trying to stop him doing. So I made buttons for the wall, couldn't get him interested though and we ended up playing the dice game again. I'm not complaining about that because it's great that he wants to play it so much.

In the afternoon we went in the car to the park, it had been raining and the slides were wet. There was no one in the park when we arrived so I used the paper towel from the car to dry them :) I know thats really sad, but after about ten minutes lots of kids appeared because the rain had stopped. I'm sure they would have appreciated my slide drying if I had been odd enough to tell them about it!

Ben followed a toddler around for about ten minutes trying to straighten her trousers as they were crumpled on top of her welly :) She was really freeaked out in the end and I had to stop her and strighten it before he rugby tackled her. He just can't stand clothes to be in the wrong places and the leaves, oh they are so in all the wrong places!

He had a great time then a friend called Karen turned up with her lovely son Daniel. Ben was not amused, he doesn't seem to like me speaking to people at all especially in the park. He was so annoyed he headed out of the park, I thought he was going towards the car but he ran like mad down the street. I always try not to grab him as it upsets him so much, so I jogged beside him hoping he would turn around. In the end though I had to because he started to try and dodge past me into the road. Once I had hold of him he went beserk so it seemed a long walk back to the car!

He got quite upset when we got back to the house as well and it took him about half an hour to calm himself down. We finally got back to playing about 4 o'clock.

I'm thinking about whether or not going to the park is a good idea now, he has been really good all summer and it's been great for me as I've met lots of people and had a chance to talk to adults :) Something has changed though and Ben seems to be pretty unhappy every time we get home and sometimes while we are there. I'm finding it hard to decide what to do as I like going to the park and I know that Ben wants to go, even though he has trouble coming home.

I'm playing first tomorrow then Anne-Marie, then I have to decide whether we go to the park or I try and encourage him into the playroom again. It's a good job he's so cute.


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