Thursday, October 8, 2009


Haven't written for a couple of days because have been a bit hectic. Ben pinched some bread and had a big bite, very pleased he was too. It wasn't a great decision but he doesn't realise he's on a gluten and casein free diet :)
He went all spaced out for a few hours, which was really weird and then got a bad tummy ache which kept him up until half twelve, poor lamb. His stomach must be much much stronger now after 12 months of the diet, as the symptoms only lasted a day and he was back to normal.

I met a lovely girl called Julia on Tuesday, she seemed really nice and friendly and said she liked the look of our program and was eager to start. Got to get some training sorted now!

Ben has had 1 trip to the park this week and was on form making friends, he was playing a sort of chase and hide and seek game with a boy about the same age, then he hugged a little girl that he particularly likes. It was really cute.

He had his first session with a new volunteer called Anna on Wednesday. He absolutely loved her, straight away he went up to his play room and as soon as she celebrated his eye contact he knew she was a play person and she was pushed straight into the room!

Laura is coming to do a session tomorrow to say bye bye as she is leaving to concentrate on her studies. I will try not to cry but she has become part of the family and we will miss her terribly !

Over the last few weeks when Ben really wants something or wants to go somewhere he has started to put his hand on my chin and come really close to my face. He then makes the shape of the word he wants to say really slowly so that I am in not doubt what it is, like as if he is giving me speech therapy, it's really funny and very effective.


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