Monday, October 5, 2009

Nice calm day.

Ben has been in a really calm mood today, we played first thing this morning for an hour and had great fun. It was very slap stick :) the games Ben thinks of are far more fun than mine! He again wanted to play with the cube/dice but he put a new spin on it himself by including it in all the other games we play. So for example when we were bouncing with the coats on our heads he would get the cube and press a button saying sneeze or cough and want me to cough or sneeze on the coats. How cool is that?

I went to put posters up in Hope university this afternoon and was expecting him tobe upset but he was really calm and happy to be in with his grandma. Anne-Marie played as well in the afternoon and he was very happy to see her. He loves his volunteers :)

Am meeting a girl called Julia tomorrow, another prospective volunteer, so ope it goes well.

Off to try bed time, at the moment I go up at 9 and sit there for 2 and a half hours until he falls asleep! Been getting him up early but it doesn't seem to make any difference :)


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